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Youth Advisory Panel

Photo of youth smiling to each other. Text reads "Calling all youth! Join the Youth Advisory Panel. Inform Municipal Council, Gain Leadership Skills"

Calling all youth!

Join the Youth Advisory Panel. Help provides a voice for the youth of Mississippi Mills and encourages youth leadership. The Panel will inform Council with respect to various issues concerning the Municipality’s youth population with the intent to enhance the quality of life, health, and well-being for youth in the community.

Who can join the panel?

All youth living in Mississippi Mills (or attending school in Mississippi Mills) between 13 and 19 years of age can apply to join the committee. To ensure equal representation, the panel requirements below will be followed when processing the applications.

The Youth Advisory Panel shall consist of:

  • No less than five members and no more than nine members.
  • A minimum of one representative between grades 9-12 from each of the high schools in Mississippi Mills (Almonte & District High School and Notre Dame Catholic High School).
  • A maximum of one representative from grade 7 & 8 from each of the intermediate schools in Mississippi Mills shall be included in the membership.
  • Any youth at large between the ages of 13-19 who are residents of Mississippi Mills (do not need to be attending a school in Mississippi Mills).
  • One Member of Council of Mississippi Mills will form part of the Panel.

What's the time commitment?

The Panel should meet at least once per school term (two times/year). There will be no meetings during the summer break nor during exam periods. The term of office for Panel members will be one school year. Panel members may reapply for additional years if desired, with no maximum number of years of qualified members. The Panel will have a delegation at council a minimum of one per school term (two times/year). The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall represent the Panel at delegations to Council.

How do I apply?

  1. Review the Terms of Reference for the Panel.
  2. Complete this fillable form, or print it off.
  3. Send in the completed form via email, or drop off the printed form at the Municipal Office.

Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0

Phone: 613-256-2064

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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