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Council Highlights - January 17th, 2023

Highlights of the January 17th, 2023
Council Meeting

The first Mississippi Mills Council meeting of 2023 was recognized last evening with an annual Land Acknowledgement prefaced with a Smudging Ceremony offered by Algonquin Elder Larry McDermott from Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation. He also provided a message to Council and blessed food which was shared during a recess to allow for a short time of fellowship. This Council meeting also served as the official kickoff of the municipality’s Bicentennial, complete with a Town Crier, celebratory toast and launch of a photo contest. 

Council supported Lanark County Council’s resolution declaring Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic as per recommendation #1 of the Renfrew County Coroner’s Inquest into the 2015 murder of three women by the same man, and based on the statistic of 4815 crisis calls and the provision of service to 527 women and children in Lanark County.

Council supported fully integrating a Mississippi Mills Affordable Housing Grant Program as a supplement to Lanark County’s program. This will streamline the application process, reduce redundancies, and ensure that a comprehensive program is available for the development of new affordable housing units within the Municipality. Council also approved including $50,000 in the annual budgets on a go-forward basis for the Program until such time that it is no longer in place.

Also at last evening’s meeting, Council welcomed new Chief Building Official Jon Wilson. Jon owned and operated his own construction company for 17 years, at which time he was also an instructor in the carpentry program at Algonquin College. He served as a volunteer firefighter with Ottawa Fire Services for 15 years. More recently he held the position of Building Inspector/Fire Prevention Office and By-law Enforcement with the Town of Perth and worked at the Office of the Fire Marshal as a Fire Protection Advisor.

Council authorized staff to negotiate fair terms and enter into a lease agreement with Rogers Communications Inc to install a Communications Tower at the recycling depot on Howie Road.   The lease agreement would help offset municipal operational costs of the Howie Road Landfill.  

Council awarded a contract for the provision of Hydrogeological Peer Review Studies with BluMetric Environmental and Jp2g Consultants Inc. Hydrogeologic studies are essential in the planning process to ensure that proposals   have appropriate water quantity and quality to support the development.

Council will consider future development of the Almonte Tennis Club as part of its 2023 budget deliberations. This includes redoing the tennis courts in Gemmill Park.

Council proclaimed February 13, 2023 as Wear Red Day in the Municipality of Mississippi Mills. Powered by the Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance, Wear Red Canada Day is celebrated annually across Canada on February 13th to raise awareness about women's cardiovascular health.

The Committee of the Whole heard the following items, which will be brought forward and approved at a future Council meeting:

  • Support Resolution for battery energy storage system project bid by COMPASS Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. with a condition that the proposed development be subject to all applicable Municipal and Provincial by-laws and Standards as determined by the Municipality, including any applicable Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law provisions.
  • Approve the following 2023 municipal grants:
    • Mississippi Lakes Association - $500.00
    • Madawaska Land Trust - $1400.00
    • Frost Fest Festival – Pakenham Civitan Club - $2000.00
    • Almonte Legion Pipe Band - $2500.00
    • Almonte in Concert Concert Series - $2500.00
    • Puppets Up 2023 Festival - $2700.00
    • Almonte Fair – North Lanark Agricultural Society - $2700.00
    • Almonte Celtfest Festival - $2700.00
    • North Lanark Highland Games - $2700.00
    • Age Friendly North Lanark - $2344.72
    • Pride Mississippi Mills - $3450.00
    • Valley Players - $4000.00
    • Bridging Generations – Age Friendly Pakenham - $4801.50
(Annually the Municipality awards Municipal Grants up to $5000 to support initiatives run by Community organizations. Applications are received by November 30th each year and are considered as part of the budget process. This year $34, 296.22 will be awarded to organizations across the Municipality. )
  • Approve amendments to the Flag Policy that would provide staff with a clearer direction on implementing the policies, as well as limit the amount of overtime hours used for lowering and raising flags.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Hybrid Council Meeting – January 31st, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Committee of the Whole Meeting to follow Council.
  • Hybrid Council Meeting – February 7th, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Committee of the Whole Meeting to follow Council.

Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0

Phone: 613-256-2064

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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