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Frequently Asked Questions

This section has some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQ) by the public.  
If you are starting a project and have questions, this is a good place to start!

If you are unsure if you need a permit or not, you are encouraged to make an appointment to speak to a building inspector to discuss your proposed project.

As a rule of thumb, if your project involves anything in the list of inspections, then a permit is required.

When it is appropriate for a given project, we are more than happy to advise no permit is required.

Yes there are penalties for building without a permit. Theses fees are listed in the Fees and Charges By-law.

If you're unsure if your project requires a building permit, our Building Inspectors or Chief Building Official will gladly advise you whether or not you need a permit for your project. 

If a deck is appurtenant to a building (meaning it serves the building directly) via a doorway of any kind, then a permit is required for the deck, even if it is less than 10m2 or 108 sq ft. 

Pre-manufactured/prebuilt sheds of metal, wood, or plastic construction over 160 sq ft require a building permit and must meet the structural and design requirements of the current Ontario Building Code.

Be aware that pre-manufactured sheds over 160 sq ft normally require a Professional Engineer (from Ontario) to sign off on structural stability.

This depends on the completeness of the application, the quality of the drawings provided, and how long it takes the designer to satisfactorily respond to any identified deficiencies.

The building department has 10 business days to respond to most common residential permit applications.

The majority of delay in permit issuance is attributed to design deficiencies. 

Yes, all basement finishing is subject to a permit from our department. You will need to provide a floor plan with accurate room dimensions showing items such as all rooms, hallways, window locations and sizes, washroom layout and location of existing and new fresh air supply's and cold air returns.  This allows the Building Department to review all code related items and easily and quickly get a permit out to you as soon as possible.

Not all dwellings in Mississippi Mills are allowed to have apartments in the basement or in detached dwellings.

The Planning Department has information on secondary dwelling units. Please confirm with them before submitting your application for a Building Permit.

Building permits are required for new secondary dwelling units. The Ontario Building Code lists very specific requirements for Secondary Dwelling Units which include minimum room sizes, ceiling heights, requirements for exits, suite separation, windows, plumbing, heating and electrical etc. The building permit submission and design will need to include detailed and comprehensive drawings which are typically completed by qualified designers. We suggest reaching out to a BCIN Designer for these types of projects.

Yes, you will need to apply for a building permit to install a wood stove, wood burning appliance, or Solid Fuel Burning Appliance.

Please keep in mind that you will need a WETT Certificate from the installer prior to booking your inspection once the wood stove is installed.

Under Mississippi Mills Comprehensive Zoning By-law, tents, temporary winter shelters or portable garages are considered ‘accessory structures’ and are required to adhere to the requirements of the Zoning By-law. Accessory structures must adhere to the same front yard setbacks as the house (principal dwelling), which means that in most circumstances, any structure must be located behind the front wall of the house. In the case of attached garages, the Zoning By-law considers attached garages as part of a house (principal dwelling), which means that in most cases, a portable garage would not be permitted to be located in front of an attached garage.

Under Div. C Section of the Ontario Building Code - tents and temporary car shelters will require a Building Permit if it is described as one or all of the items listed below:

  • larger than 60 square meters (645 square feet) in ground area
  • attached to a building
  • closer than 3 meters (9.8 feet) to other structures

Documents required for a tent permit include:

  • Application form and Schedule 1.
  • Site plan indicating the location of the tent with setbacks shown to other structures and property lines.
  • Detailed drawings showing assembly and anchoring details.
  • Manufacturers specifications. 
  • Copy of flame resistance certification required – must state compliance with either NFPA 701 or CAN/ULC-S109. 

A plumbing permit is not required when changing an existing plumbing fixture for a new one.

If there is a alteration of drainage or vent pipe, or movement of fixtures to other locations, then a permit would be required. 

Rough cut lumber must be graded by a qualified Ontario lumber grader before it can be used to build decks, sheds, houses or any other structure. 
Without the stamp, the ungraded wood will not be permitted. 

The Ontario Building Code is very specific on who can do the design for certain projects.

Depending on the project, an owner, registered BCIN Designer, Architect and/or Engineer may be able, or required, to do the design for your project. 

No, not all products you see on the shelves at hardware stores meet Ontario Building Code requirements for structural integrity and/or design standards.  

If you plan on using products like deck railings, deck guards, 4x4 post holders for decks, and plumbing products, you are encouraged to ensure that they meet the Ontario Building Code standards and ask the supplier to provide this information for you.  

If you are still unsure you can contact the building department at (613) 256 2064 ext 508 and we can assist you with any questions. 

A septic permit is required if you are adding plumbing fixture units, adding bedrooms, or increasing the finished floor area by more than 15 percent of the current footprint.

Digital forms can be emailed to or paper copies can be delivered to the head office at 10970 Highway 7, Carleton Place on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
Inquiries can also be made via email to or by calling 613-253-0006.

Forms, fees, frequently asked questions, and other sewage system resources are available for landowners and contractors at

Please click the following link for Well Design and Wellhead Protection information from the Ministry of Environment or contact them at 1-800-267-0974.

Without prior approval from a Building Inspector, pictures ARE NOT an acceptable alternative to requesting an inspection.

If you're unsure if you require an inspection, please contact our Building Clerk for clarification ( or 613-256-2064 ext 508)

Appointments are always encouraged to ensure staff are available at your desired time.

Although you're welcome to discuss your project with a Building Inspector, their not able to provide design ideas for your project. For design questions, your advised to reach out to a qualified BCIN Designer for assistance. 

Please contact the Building Clerk at or 613-256-2064 ext. 508 to schedule an appointment.

Applicable law is outside agencies and laws that are required to be consulted and approved prior to permit issuance. Such agencies/acts include but are not limited to:

  • Planning Act
  • Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
  • Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Ministry of Environment
  • Ministry of Transpiration

Any permit that fall under the jurisdiction of one of these Applicable Authorities requires their approval in full, prior to any permit being issued by Mississippi Mills.

Other fees may be levied by these agencies for their services. 

As Building is defined by the Building Code Act as:

"building" means,

  1. a structure occupying an area greater than ten square metres consisting of a wall, roof and floor or any of them or a structural system serving the function thereof including all plumbing, works, fixtures and service systems appurtenant thereto,
  2. a structure occupying an area of ten square metres or less that contains plumbing, including the plumbing appurtenant thereto,
  3. plumbing not located in a structure,
    (c.1) a sewage system, or
  4. structures designated in the building code under Div A, Article

The following information is 

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