Under Mississippi Mills Comprehensive Zoning By-law, tents, temporary winter shelters or portable garages are considered ‘accessory structures’ and are required to adhere to the requirements of the Zoning By-law. Accessory structures must adhere to the same front yard setbacks as the house (principal dwelling), which means that in most circumstances, any structure must be located behind the front wall of the house. In the case of attached garages, the Zoning By-law considers attached garages as part of a house (principal dwelling), which means that in most cases, a portable garage would not be permitted to be located in front of an attached garage.
Under Div. C Section of the Ontario Building Code - tents and temporary car shelters will require a Building Permit if it is described as one or all of the items listed below:
- larger than 60 square meters (645 square feet) in ground area
- attached to a building
- closer than 3 meters (9.8 feet) to other structures
Documents required for a tent permit include:
- Application form and Schedule 1.
- Site plan indicating the location of the tent with setbacks shown to other structures and property lines.
- Detailed drawings showing assembly and anchoring details.
- Manufacturers specifications.
- Copy of flame resistance certification required – must state compliance with either NFPA 701 or CAN/ULC-S109.