The spring and fall watermain flushing program is carried out to remove sediments that have built up in the watermains. These flushing activities are part of the best management practices to ensure that water quality objectives are maintained in the distribution system. This maintenance procedure may result in temporary inconveniences to residents, such as a reduced water pressure or red (discoloured) water.
Reduced water pressure should only be intermittent as the hydrants are being flushed. The pressure will return to normal once the flushing is completed.
If you detect red (discoloured) water, turn your tap off for 20 to 30 minutes, this should allow work crews enough time to complete the flushing. When work crews have left the area, turn on one COLD water tap for a few minutes to flush the system.
Red (discoloured) water may occur near the water main flushing or many blocks away, depending on various factors such as their supply main size, location, and demand flows. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the location and extent of the customers that may receive red (discoloured) water.
We recommend that you do not drink or wash laundry with red (discoloured) water.