38 Main Street Update – May 16, 2024
The latest Order to the property owner of 38 Main Street East (Dungarvon Building) was issued May 6, 2024. This Order requires a comprehensive building report to determine the safety of other areas of the building. It also requires identification of remediation steps to render the building safe, including repairs or demolition, to reopen Main Street and Union Street fully to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
The Municipality’s Chief Building Official has since received documentation from the property owner to satisfy the first part of the Order, which was accepted on May 16. Please be advised that in order to undertake the building evaluation, a power shutdown may be required. This is under evaluation by the Professional Engineer retained by the owner. Ottawa River Power Corporation will notify its customers directly, but the Municipality will also ensure any shutdown is communicated to the public.
Further updates will continue to be provided as they are available.
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