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Affordable Housing - Spotlight #1

 Spotlight #1 on Affordable Housing

 Over the next few weeks, the Municipality will be publishing spotlights focusing on what is being done to address the housing crisis. The housing crisis is affecting families in communities all across Canada.  Each level of government has responsibilities for housing - the Federal and Provincial governments, the County and local Municipality. In recent provincial and federal budgets, there has been a focus on housing initiatives to help support affordable and social housing, and to get people into the housing market.   

This week the spotlight will provide a snapshot of what is to come. Be sure to keep an eye out for weekly posts to learn what is being done at all levels of government.

Upcoming spotlights to watch for:

#2 Key Definitions

This spotlight will include some key definitions.  What is affordable housing, social housing and attainable housing?  What’s the difference between market and not-for-profit housing?  What’s the difference between Additional Residential Units and Secondary Dwellings?

#3 What’s being done in Mississippi Mills

What initiatives has Mississippi Mills Council taken to bring more affordable housing options to our community? Municipalities play a role in creating affordable homes and helping to support the development of affordable rentals in our community. This spotlight will include information on the seven new initiatives Council has taken to help remove barriers to housing development, reduce the upfront costs of affordable housing developments and encourage an increase in diverse housing stock.

#4 Lanark County and Social Housing

Social Housing and all programs relating to that is the responsibility of Lanark County. This includes: rent geared to income housing, portable housing units, rent supplements and emergency housing. The County has a 10 Year Housing and Homelessness plan which reflects targets as mandated by the province. The County also helps to support lower tier municipalities’ role in affordable market housing through the recent launch of a housing toolkit. 

This spotlight will also highlight the County’s partnerships with community organizations and service providers which are essential to providing housing and supports to residents.   Building affordable housing units and major capital investment to increasing units comes from the County as well. 

#5 Advocacy Work

On top of County and Municipal efforts, organizations like the Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus (EOWC), the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) are advocating for more support from the province for housing and for changes to provincial legislation and regulations to make homes available for everyone. This spotlight will share information about the advocacy role and include information about AMO’s Housing Taskforce and the launch of a new Affordable Housing Taskforce at ROMA.

The housing crisis can’t be solved by one body alone.  Affordable housing and social housing are complex issues where all levels of government and many organizations play essential roles.  Check back weekly for future spotlights.

Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0

Phone: 613-256-2064

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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