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Arbour Week Tree Talk with Ken Allison - Wednesday April 27th

Join the Mississippi Mills Tree Committee for a Tree Talk with Ken Allison, B.SC., Wildlife Ecologist/ Naturalist this Wednesday night at 7:00PM at Almonte Old Town Hall.  Mr. Allison will discuss native trees, followed by a question and answer where he will be accompanied by our local tree experts; Ed Lawrence, Allan Goddard, Ron Ayling, Cornelius Bert and Scott Hortop. 

Registration is not required - masks are recommended & appreciated.  

Ken is a wildlife ecologist. He obtained his B.Sc. from the University of Guelph where he honed his love of birds and insects. Ken has just completed a career working for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency where he was a specialist in the assessment of risks to Canada’s food supply posed by invasive plants. Ken is past president of the Ottawa Field Naturalists Club, and current president of the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists Club.


From Mr. Ken Allison:
"I became interested in the natural world as a very young child. I took a degree in Wildlife Biology at the University of Guelph. After a few years working for the University after graduation, I took a position with the Government of Canada in Ottawa. There, I worked mostly as a biologist and for most of my career as a botanist. I worked with seeds for about 25 years and finished up working with invasive plant species toward the end of my career.

I am interested in almost any animal, plant, rock or whatever I can find in nature. I have been a birder for over 50 years but am often distracted by a plant or an insect.

I am a past president of both the Ottawa Field Naturalists and the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists and continue to be involved in both organizations, especially the MVFN.

For the past 10 years, I have lived in Mississippi Mills on the Canadian Shield, which I think of as my natural environment."

Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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