Are you ready? Santa is coming to town this Weekend!
This year more than ever it's important to remember those in need.
Donations of cash or food will be accepted at this weekends events. In order to limit direct interaction between the public and the firefighters, drop off depots are spaced out along the route. Bins to collect food, a bag for Santa's letters and a yellow bucket for cash donations will be at each drop off location marked on the route maps below. A firefighter will be stationed at each depot an hour before Santa passes.
You can also bring your food bank donations to Almonte Old Town Hall - we will be open 11AM to 5PM Saturday and Sunday.
The Mississippi Mills Fire Department will be escorting Santa Claus across Mississippi Mills. Families can watch from the sidewalks or park their cars along the route. The timings below are Santa's start times for each area it is hard to estimate when exactly he'll pass each house but listen for the fire truck and Christmas music. We'll post updates to the Mississippi Mills Facebook Page throughout the day to give you an idea of where he's at.
Santa's Itinerary
Saturday December 5th
Sunday December 6th
While he can't pass by every home in Mississippi Mills, he's making a special effort to see as many of you as possible. If you are from a rural area or your street isn't on the route, please head to the closest area he will pass. There will be plenty of space for social distancing. You can also sit in your parked car along the route.
Download a map that shows each of Santa's routes along with food and letter drop of locations.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions
If you do walk down the street to watch make sure you practice social distancing and stay 6 feet back from anyone not in your household. If you are planning to bring letters or food bank donations please use one of the drop off locations marked on the maps. Since we're outside masks are not required as long as you are distanced, but it doesn't hurt to have them with you in case you need to get close to someone.
If you have questions about Santa's visits please call the Mississippi Mills Recreation & Culture Department at 613-256-2064.
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0
Phone: 613-256-2064
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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