Budget Spotlight #4 - Roads and Public Works
From August to December, the Municipality will publish bi-weekly articles to inform residents and provide insight into the roles of each Municipal department and how your tax dollars are being spent.
As they are released, all Spotlight topics can be found here: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-hall/budget-spotlights.aspx.
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The key services for the Roads and Public Works Department include operations, maintenance and asset management of the Municipality’s core assets, regulatory compliance and waste services. Beautification services has also transitioned to the Roads and Public Works Department.
The Municipality maintains more than 360 kilometres of roads in Mississippi Mills. The department includes 16 full-time employees, 3 seasonal and 1 casual employee.
Did you know the total replacement costs of the Municipality’s core infrastructure assets is estimated at $316.8 million? How is that broken down?
39% for road network
26% for wastewater infrastructure
14% for water infrastructure
12% for stormwater infrastructure
9% for bridges and culverts
2024 Proposed Capital Projects – Roads and Public Works
The draft budget contains $6,135,385 in proposed capital projects for Roads and Public Works. Projects include:
$1.8 million – Renewal of paved roads (Mercer Street, Marshall Street, Adelaide Street and Union Street North)
$750,000 – Concession 9 Bridge renewal
$711,232 – Renewal of surface treated roads
$500,000 – Mercer Street/Marshall Street Storm Sewer Replacement
$410,000 – Grader replacement
$402,965 – Union Street North Storm Sewer replacement
$340,250 – Gravel maintenance in Ramsay Ward
$280,000 – New salt storage shed in Pakenham
$267,955 – Sidewalk repairs
$240,000 – Loader replacement
$150,000 – Mercer Street culvert rehabilitation
$134,925 – Gravel maintenance in Pakenham Ward
Winter Control
The Municipality is responsible for winter road maintenance including plowing, sanding and salting more than 360 kilometres of roadway.
The Municipality must comply with Ontario’s Minimum Maintenance Standard for all roads.
For more on winter control and parking: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-services/winter-control-and-parking.aspx.
Water and Wastewater
Treatment of Water and Wastewater is managed through a contract with Ontario Clean Water Agency, and the distribution of the watermains and wastewater collection system is managed and operated internally by Public Works. It’s important to note that water and wastewater costs are 100 per cent covered by user fees paid by those on municipal water/wastewater services.
Visit https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-services/water-and-sewage.aspx for more information.
2024 Proposed Capital Projects – Water and Sewer
The draft budget contains $7,396,473 in proposed capital projects for Water and Sewer. Projects include:
$2,534,900 – Union Street North Watermain (Main Street to Carss Street)
$1,373,129 – Union Street North Sanitary (Main Street to Carss Street)
$795,000 – County Road 29 Watermain and Looping Well 6
$627,595 – Union Street to Carss Street Forcemain
$500,000 – Mercer Street/Marshall Street Sanitary
$500,000 – Mercer Street/Marshall Street Watermain
$380,000 – Design and construction for Carss Street Watermain (Mitcheson to Union streets)
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0
Email: Town@mississippimills.ca
Phone: 613-256-2064
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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