Budget Spotlight #5 - Mississippi Mills Public Library
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The Mississippi Mills Public Library (MMPL) operates two branches – Almonte (located at 155 High Street) and Pakenham (located at 128 MacFarlane Street).
MMPL’s goal is to inspire lifelong learning, provide equitable access to information, advance knowledge and strengthen our community. Their vision is an informed, engaged, creative and connected community.
Christine Row is Chief Executive Officer and Monica Blackburn is Deputy Librarian. MMPL is governed by a board of trustees, composed of 7-9 individuals, the majority being representatives of the community and one member of Mississippi Mills Council. Trustees are appointed by Council for a term of 4 years.
The board’s role is to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library services that reflects the community’s unique needs. It is an independent body and not a committee of Municipal Council.
Some interesting statistics from the library’s most recent 2022 annual report:
128,712 – number of physical items circulated (an increase of 24% since 2017)
27,549 – number digital items circulated (an increase of 225% since 2017)
1,065 – number of library programs offered (an increase of 150% since 2017)
189 – number of children’s summer programs offered at both branches
Residents can access a wide range of books and media at their fingertips, but MMPL also provides meeting space for the community, Tech Tutor and 3D printing programs, as well as interlibrary loans, a digitization lab and seniors’ services, to name just a few.
Proposed capital projects in the draft 2024 budget for the library, include:
$7,000 – Technology upgrades (new computers)
$2,000 – Display shelving/furniture
For more information on the MMPL, visit https://missmillslibrary.com.
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