Council Highlights - December 12th, 2023
At last night’s meeting, Mary Ann Murray with Age-Friendly North Lanark, presented a video showcasing the different features of the Almonte Wellness Trail. The trail, unveiled this past September, is an interactive, educational and multi-generational initiative providing an accessible community outdoor space and a wide range of activities. The video was shot by videographer Chris McFarlane. Watch the video here.
Council passed a resolution for support from COMPASS Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. for battery energy storage systems at 6299 County Road 29. This resolution includes a condition that the proposed development be subject to all applicable Municipal and Provincial by-laws and standards, as determined by the Municipality, including Official Plan and Zoning By-law requirements.
Council authorized the replacement of turbo blowers at the Mississippi Mills Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the amount of $527,313. The work, to be undertaken by the Ontario Clean Water Agency, will be funded from Water & Wastewater reserves, which is collected through water and wastewater user fees. Council also approved including $100,000 in reserves until 2026 to remain in line with the Municipality’s Long-Term Financial Plan.
Council approved the final acceptance for the finalized portion of Phase 5 of Riverfront Estates subdivision. Staff will now prepare a by-law to assume the roads and associated infrastructure within the development. This signals the Developer has satisfied all obligations of the Riverfront subdivision agreement and marks the end of the mandatory one year maintenance period for the subdivision.
Councillors Denzil Ferguson and Jane Torrance were appointed by Council as the municipal Council representatives of the Lanark County Traffic Advisory Working Group. The purpose of this group is to assess issues of speeding and other safety concerns on County roads. It will allow the Lanark County Public Works department to bring forward traffic-related concerns to lower tier municipalities and the OPP to obtain feedback and recommendations on a case-by-case basis.
Committee of the Whole also heard the following items, which will be brought forward for approval at a future Council meeting:
The quarterly report from the Project Management Office was received.
The consideration of a Flexible and Remote Work Policy for municipal staff where alternate scheduling arrangements may be appropriate.
The Draft Water and Wastewater Service Delivery Review was presented, which takes a look at the services required to provide clean, safe drinking water and treat wastewater for residents on the municipal water system. A final version is anticipated in January 2024.
The Building Department’s 2024 Strategy and level of service reporting. Now fully staffed, this strategy will analyze and update processes and procedures to ensure transparency and efficiency in the department.
An amendment to the Flag Policy, to permit the flying of Indigenous flags and Community flags.
Upcoming Meetings:
Special Council Budget Meeting – Thursday, December 14, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
Hybrid Council Meeting – Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow council.
Hybrid Council Meeting – Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 6:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow council.
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