Council Highlights - February 7th, 2023
Highlights of the February 7th, 2023 Council Meeting
Sally McIntyre, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority General Manager, presented the CA’s 2023 draft budget to Council. The local portion of the MVCA levy represents 0.4% of the Mississippi Mills budget. Municipal levies make up approximately 69% of annual revenue, with 90% of it paid by the City of Ottawa.
Emily Hollington, Director of Social Services with Lanark County presented to Council the services, programs and support provided by the County including Children’s Services, Housing Services, Ontario Works and Community Support Services.
Council approved awarding the contract for the Transportation Master Plan Project (TMP) to Parsons Inc. in the amount of $151,570 plus HST. A TMP identifies the policies and projects that will align with growth, support vision, and meet short- and long-term transportation needs.
Due to the pending transition of Ontario’s Blue Box Program to full producer responsibility for recycling operations and cost, Council has directed staff to negotiate and secure agreements with a private sector service provider for non-eligible industrial, commercial and institutional facilities,
Council authorized final acceptance and directed staff to prepare an Assumption By-law for the Mill Run subdivision in Almonte.
Staff will continue to explore new traffic calming solutions for Mississippi Mills and update the current Policy for Traffic Calming and Speed Management on Municipal Roads.
Council approved the contract for the Mississippi Mills Effluent Pipe Relining be single sourced from Clean Water Works Inc. at a cost of $156,830.48 (including HST). The work will help prevent future root infiltration and offer the least disruption of service to the Water Treatment Plant.
The Committee of the Whole received a quarterly update from the Clerk’s Department, Department of Roads and Public Works and Corporate Services.
Clerk’s Department
Election wrap up, Council Inauguration and orientation
Electronic records management solutions
Corporate communications snapshot (social media and website analytics)
Roads and Public Works
Transition to winter maintenance activities
Downtown core construction completion (Phases 1 and 2)
Work will recommence in March 2023 with final completion of all phases slated for August 2023.
Corporate Services
Prioritized capital items for prebudget approvals
Updated rates to the fees and charges bylaw
Ongoing maintenance and repairs of all Municipal Facilities
Mayor Lowry announced the results of the Bicentennial Photo Contest:
1st place: Trevor Johnston – Horses in Barn – 972 votes
2nd place: Brenda Deugo-Mills – 5 Span Bridge – 403 votes
3rd place: Greg Cherry – 5 Span Bridge – 326 votes
The first, second and third place winners will receive a gift card to their favourite Mississippi Mills Business. ($200, $100 and $75 respectively). All 20 finalists will receive a Bicentennial commemorative coin. Congratulations to all finalists and participants!
1st place winner Trevor Johnston with Mayor Lowry
Committee of the Whole also heard the following items, which will be brought forward for approval at a future Council meeting:
Recommend that Environmental Compliance Officer Zachary Moshanas be appointed to the Lanark County Climate Action Working Group on an as needed basis.
2023 Budget Survey
We want to hear from you! Tell us your thoughts on the Municipality’s priorities in 2023. The Budget is one of the most important matters your elected Council decides upon every year, and your input will help Council identify key investments and priorities and balance them with tax and fee changes. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and tell us what is important to you in how we invest your tax dollars. The survey will close on February 10th, 2023. Paper surveys can be picked up at the Municipal Office and at the Pakenham Library.
Upcoming Meetings:
Hybrid Council Meeting – February 21st, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Committee of the Whole Meeting to follow Council.
Hybrid Council Meeting – March 7th, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Committee of the Whole Meeting to follow Council.
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