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Council Highlights - June 18, 2024

During Tuesday night’s meeting, Council recognized the 2024 Mississippi Mills Photo Contest winners. A total of 274 photos were submitted in the contest, which ran for the month of May. Council selected 10 finalists with the community voting on their favourites. First prize went to Ryan Donovan, who captured Almonte and the Mississippi River at night. Talya Friesen received second place for her photograph of a Bald Eagle at Clayton Lake and third prize went to Chris Knowles for a snapshot of clouds over a Ramsay Ward field. Winners earned gift certificates to the Mississippi Mills merchants of their choice. Congratulations to all! Watch for these and other photos submitted in upcoming municipal promotions. (Above photo: Pictured, from left: Mayor Christa Lowry with first place winner Ryan Donovan and third place winner Chris Knowles.)

Council approved the Asset Management Plan for Non-Core Assets, created by consultants, Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. The plan identifies non-core assets (buildings and facilities, equipment, parks, trails and vehicles), historical and replacement costs for them, as well as levels of service measures and lifecycle costs. This plan is part of an Ontario regulation requiring a phased-in approach to strategic management planning, which all Municipalities in the province must comply with by July 1, 2024.

The tender for snow plow replacement was awarded to Freightliner North Bay in the amount of $382,270, plus HST. Included is the truck chassis, plow equipment and dump box, which will replace a 1995 International truck scheduled to be retired from the fleet.

At a previous meeting, Council proclaimed June as National Indigenous History Month, as well as June 21 as National Indigenous Peoples Day. The Municipality, in partnership with Mississippi Mills All My Relations and the Government of Canada, will host a Summer Solstice Celebration this Thursday, June 20. It starts at 6 p.m. and will take place at the John Levi Community Centre. All are welcome and activities include an Indigenous ceremony, drumming and singing, jingle dancing, Algonquin craft making, Inuit games and more.

As this was the last regular Committee of the Whole before summer recess, Council also approved the following items during a special Council meeting.

Council heard a presentation from Mallot Creek Group Inc., updating progress on the Abattoir Feasibility Report. The Municipality has taken a proactive leadership approach to learn more about the issues affecting the meat processing industry and contracted the consulting firm to create a report on the viability of a local abattoir. A final report with recommendations is expected in August. Stay tuned for further public engagement opportunities.

The Zoning By-law Amendment for 4361 Appleton Side Road was approved, which will permit the development of a commercial grain mill. The amendment also allows for a retail store, bakery and restaurant as permitted uses for the future on the lands, which currently house an operating farm and detached dwelling.

Council approved the posting of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for new building, planning and by-law software. Improved software platforms will offer savings and efficiencies and aim to improve turnaround time, increase accuracy and communication, as well as enhance customer satisfaction. The goal is to have a new system in place and fully operational for January 1, 2025.

Council supported several climate action initiatives, including a recommendation for the Municipality to join the Partners for Climate Action Protection (PCP) Program to support the development of a Local Climate Action Plan. The PCP program has a significant number of resources available to aid in the development of a local plan.

Approval was also given to the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge Implementation Plan for 2024. The Municipality joined the Pledge in 2023, which commits municipal leaders to implementing actions to develop habitat for the Monarch butterfly. Among this year’s action items: Hosting a native seed or plant sale giveaway, a public campaign to encourage residents to plant butterfly gardens and launching or expanding an invasive species removal program. These efforts will be funded through the Vegetation Management budget.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Special Hybrid Council Meeting – Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

  • Council Summer Recess for July.

  • Hybrid Council Meeting – Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 6:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow Council.

Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0

Phone: 613-256-2064

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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