Council Highlights - June 20th, 2023
Highlights of the June 20th, 2023 Council Meeting
At Tuesday evening’s Council meeting, the What Does Pride Mean to You Campaign Banner was officially unveiled to the public. From May 24 to June 13, the community was asked to share their thoughts anonymously on what Pride means to them. Nearly 30 responses were compiled to create the banner, which recognizes the value and diversity the two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer (or questioning), intersex and asexual (2SLGBTQIA+) communities bring to the Municipality.
“This community banner showcases a beautiful rainbow of words,” said Mayor Christa Lowry. “It serves as reminder that no matter our gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation, we should all feel safe, supported and welcome in our Municipality.”
The banner will be displayed at the Municipal Office for the remainder of Pride Month.
Dr. Linna Li, Medical Officer of Health of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit visited Council for the first time since taking over the role in September 2022. She provided an update on operations, highlights and future plans for the Health Unit.
Council heard from Marc Rivet, Senior Planner with J.L. Richards & Associates on the Mississippi Mills Growth Forecast 2048 for the Municipality. The data included in the report and projections will be utilized by the Municipality for all master plans under MM2048 to ensure all master plans will be using consistent data.
Council approved the 2024 Budget Schedule and Process, to begin in July 2023. The process will involve a collaborative approach to proactive and informed budgeting. An emphasis will be placed on stakeholder engagement, with the goal of final adoption of the 2024 Budget in December 2023.
The award of contract for the Princess Street Renewal was also approved by Council. Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited will oversee the works in the amount of $1,464,464.64, plus HST. The project was identified in the 2018 Water and Wastewater Master Plan and approved in the 2023 Budget in the amount of $1,617,376.00. Approximately half the cost, $821,850, is covered by water and sewer fees and the remaining $795,526.00 is being funded in the Transportation Budget.
Council approved amendments to the Municipality’s Noise Bylaw. These revisions consider current legislation, provide further clarification on the definition of noise, as well as a legal review of the Bylaw.
Following the regular Committee of the Whole meeting, a special Council meeting was held to approve recommendations before summer recess.
Council learned that Mississippi Mills Fire Department was successful in their grant application from Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for the purchase of a MAGNUM Hose Line & Fire Extinguisher Training System. According to Fire Chief and Director of Protective Services, Mike Williams, this portable system will allow the department to train residents and staff on the proper operation of fire extinguishers at different events.
Council directed the Public Works department to complete a review to determine if one or both Pedestrian Crossovers on Mill Street are candidates for removal. A report is expected at a future Council meeting.
The award of the 2023 Surface Treatment Contract was endorsed by Council, in the amount of $2,048,330.50, plus HST, to Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited. Works include:
Reconstruction and surface treatment – Concession 10 North Pakenham, Concession 12 Ramsay, Blakeney Road.
Pulverizing and placement of gravel – Concession 9 North Pakenham, portions of Bellamy Road.
Reconstruction of Panmure Road with asphalt.
Council conditionally approved a request from the Pride in Mississippi Mills committee to use their 2023 Municipal Grant, in the amount of $3,750, toward a permanent art installation in the Municipality. The committee plans to complete the project in 2023 and will return to Council with potential locations for discussion.
Council provided staff with direction on the proposed framework for the Community Engagement Strategy. The strategy will ensure the Municipality is meeting the needs of its residents and promoting a healthy and inclusive community through communication and consultation.
Council approved a Notice of Motion from Mayor Christa Lowry, directing staff to provide a report on planned engagement activities relating to community safety and well being. Stay tuned for engagement opportunities.
The first draft of the Lanark County Climate Action Plan was received by Council and will be reviewed at the August 15th meeting.
Bicentennial Events:
June 24 – Almonte Home & Garden Tour (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) – Put on by the Almonte General Hospital Fairview Manor Foundation and the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum.
June 30 – Pakenham Canada Day Eve Parade and Celebration.
July 1 – Canada Day Celebration at Gemmill Park in Almonte. Lots of activities are being planned for this Bicentennial Canada Day celebration!
July 29 – Community Bicentennial Celebration involving local service clubs at Almonte Civitan Club.
August 4 – RCMP Musical Ride at the Almonte Fairgrounds.
August 5 – Yellow Bus Farm Tour exploring the rural farming community.
Upcoming Meetings:
Council Summer Recess for July.
Hybrid Council Meeting – August 15th, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow council.
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0
Phone: 613-256-2064
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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