Council Highlights - March 4, 2025
To open last night’s meeting, Council heard a delegation from Sherryl Smith with Bridging Generations – Age Friendly Pakenham. She provided information on their efforts to improve opportunities, resources and community services available to older adults in Pakenham and Mississippi Mills, and are promoting 811 as a way to connect people to qualified health professionals for advice and information. View the presentation here.
A public meeting was held for a zoning by-law amendment and plan of subdivision for a 14-lot subdivision on private services in Appleton. Following this meeting, staff will return to a future Committee of the Whole meeting with a report on proposed draft plan conditions for the project, including remedying the property to allow residential uses under the Environmental Protection Act.
Council approved up to $7,000 in light upgrades for the Ron Caron Auditorium in Almonte Old Town Hall to allow a wider range of lighting effects for performances. Funds will come from the auditorium improvement reserve account.
Council approved the new Mississippi Mills Communications Plan, Social Media Policy and Mississippi Mills Style Guide. The plan supports the management of the Municipality through clear and concise communication of the Municipality’s programs, services, goals and objectives. This new plan highlights achievements since the last plan, created in 2018, and includes new goals, with a focus on improving external, internal and Council communications. The Social Media Policy has been updated to add sections related to sharing and reposting content and Council usage of social media. The new style highlights best practices and tools for staff to use for all communications, including writing in plain language, spelling and capitalization, inclusive language and Indigenous relations. The purpose is to ensure consistent communications in language that’s easier to read and understand.
The 2025 Capacity Allocation was approved by Council. The Capacity Allocation By-law manages and earmarks infrastructure to new development and 100 units are being made available for sewer and water allocation this year. Council also directed staff to provide an update on the allocation levels and the flow monitoring project that’s underway, in the second quarter of this year.
Committee of the Whole also heard the following items, which will be brought forward for approval at a future Council meeting:
- The Q4 report of the Drinking Water Quality Management System.
- The 2024 Freedom of Information summary.
- A community engagement plan for MM2048 in 2025.
- The quarterly report for the Project Management Office.
During the Mayor’s report at Committee of the Whole, Mayor Christa Lowry also presented a partnership and advocacy update for Q1. The report highlighted dialogue with the local MP and MPP, as well as opportunities through the Rural Ontario Municipal Association.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Hybrid Council Meeting – March 18, 2025, 6 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow Council.
- Hybrid Council Meeting – April 8, 2025, 6 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow Council.
Media Contact:
Ashley Kulp, Communications Coordinator
Municipality of Mississippi Mills
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0
Phone: 613-256-2064
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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