Council Highlights - May 23, 2023
Highlights of the May 23rd, 2023
Council Meeting
Last night, Council heard from Lanark Transportation’s Executive Director Marilyn Bird. Lanark Transportation is a grassroots, not-for-profit association that provides transportation to supports and services including medical appointments, counseling services, food programs, and more.
Mississippi Mills has proclaimed June 2023 as PRIDE month. The PRIDE Community in our municipality is strong and Council supports and celebrates our diversity. To bring awareness and to hear from our community, the Municipality launched the “What Does Pride Mean to You” campaign. To learn more check out the 2SLBTQIA+ page on the Municipal website for more information and resources. To learn what Pride events are happening in our area be sure to visit Pride in Mississippi Mills social media pages throughout June.
The Committee of the Whole received a quarterly update from Mississippi River Power Corporation, Community and Economic Development and Recreation.
Committee of the Whole also heard the following items, which will be brought forward for approval at the June 6th Council meeting:
- Pedestrian Crossovers in Almonte’s Downtown Core: options to replace the existing crossovers with a more heritage feel alternative.
- Blakeney Bridge Renewal – Pedestrian Options, Committee received an options report from staff that provides solutions to enhance pedestrian safety when crossing the Blakeney bridge.
- HR Policies review: in an effort to modernize and to attract and retain staff, Committee received recommendations on changes to internal HR policies and next steps for required employee equity and market salary review.
- Annual Integrity Commissioner Report is a mandatory report from the municipality’s Integrity Commissioner that includes an overview of services provided in 2022.
- Policy updates to the Council and Committee Code of Conduct and Notice By-law were also presented as part of the larger Governance Review process.
Bicentennial Events:
- May 27 - 'The Story of Almonte' Part 1 - documentary film by Rob & Sharon Newton. Stop by the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum at 2pm to view part 1 of this documentary with a special introduction by Rob & Sharon Newton. Donations to the food bank will be accepted.
- June 16 - Mill Workers' Walk Re-enactment - all are welcome to join in this historical walk re-enacting a century of mill workers in Almonte going to work at the mills.
- June 24 - Almonte Home & Garden Tour - 10am - 5pm. Put on by the Almonte General Hospital Fairview Manor Foundation and the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
- June 30 - Pakenham Canada Day Eve Parade and Fireworks
- July 1 - Canada Day Celebration at Gemmill Park in Almonte. Lots of activities are being planned for this Bicentennial Canada Day celebration!
Upcoming Meetings:
- Hybrid Council Meeting – June 6th, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Committee of the Whole Meeting to follow Council.
- Hybrid Council Meeting – June 20th, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Committee of the Whole Meeting to follow Council.
- Hybrid Special Council Meeting – June 20th, 2023 immediately following Committee of the Whole
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