Council Highlights - October 4, 2022
Highlights of the October 4th, 2022 Council Meeting
At last night’s meeting, Council heard from James Marzotto of Compass Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. with respect to the proposed development of a battery storage project located at County Road 29 and Rae Road. Council directed staff to bring back a report for further consideration.
Council also heard from Stephen Brathwaite and Ed Lawrence regarding a beautification proposal for the area of Reserve and Bridge Streets by the Alameda in Almonte. Staff will work with both Stephen Brathwaite and Ed Lawrence on next steps for this project.
Council approved a high-level project plan developed by the Planning Department with respect to Additional Residential Units (ARUs). The “Additional Residential Units for New Developments – Project Plan” will include a Discussion Paper that will be presented to Council in December.
Council also awarded the contract for asphalt paving Concession 4 Pakenham for a length of approximately 870 m between Campbell Side Road and Bayview Road to Thomas Cavanagh Construction Ltd, in the amount of $179,797.00 plus HST.
Council approved the 2023 budget schedule. Because it’s an election year, staff proposed that the 2023 budget be developed by senior staff between October and December 2022, with ample opportunity for community engagement before going to Council for final approval in March 2023. In a non-election year, the process would target budget approval by Council in December.
Council adopted a Notice of Motion put forth by Councillor Holmes with respect to “The Emily Project,” to improve emergency services by ensuring landowners can request signage for entrances to farm fields. The Motion also addresses waiving the entrance permit portion of the fee for applicants wishing to purchase a property identification number sign.
Council congratulated Ben Kipp on winning “Driver of the Year” at the 2022 Association of Ontario Road Supervisors’ (AORS) Provincial Truck Roadeo in Napanee last month. The Roadeo showcases the expertise of the best municipal equipment operators in Ontario. This is Ben’s 6th trip to the Provincials.
Council congratulated Cory Smith on his appointment to Director of Roads and Public Works. Cory has been integral to the transition of the organization over the last two years in his role as Acting Director of Roads and Public Works. He’s been with the Municipality for 13 years and has had direct involvement in the development of the Transportation Master Plan, Water and Wastewater Master Plan, Drink Water Quality Management System, obtaining and renewing our Dinking Water Licence, development of the Solid Waste Master Plan and the Water and Wastewater Rate Study and Long-Term Financial Plan.
Council welcomed two new staff, Director of Development Services and Engineering David Shen, and Administrative Assistant to the Clark, CAO and Mayor Erin Levi. David has worked in the private sector with 21 years of municipal engineering and project management experience and worked with the Region of Niagara – Infrastructure Division. He has a Master’s degree in civil engineering and is a current Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Ontario. He has been a guest professor at Algonquin, Humber and Sheridan Colleges.
After graduating with honours from the Legal Assistant program at Algonquin College, Erin worked locally for Evelyn Wheeler Law Office as a Real Estate Law Clerk before accepting a position with Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority where she has been providing administrative support for the past 17 years in various positions.
The Committee of the Whole heard the following items, which will be brought forward and approved at a future Council meeting:
- Direct staff to work with Lanark County staff to develop a Mississippi Mills Affordable Housing Grant Program or Policy as a supplement to the recently approved County Affordable Housing Capital Grant Program.
- Acceptance of Municipal Digital Strategy which aims to modernize and streamline services, process and communications, and approval of one time funding of $6,250 for Project Concentrator which will automate the processing and recording of payments made through digital channels
- To coincide with the Bicentennial celebrations next year, Mayor Lowry put forth a Notice of Motion requesting that Mississippi Mills be the showcased municipality at the Lanark County 2023 Harvest Festival.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Hybrid Committee of the Whole – November 1st, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
- Inaugural Council Meeting – Almonte Old Town Hall – November 15th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Reminder: Municipal Election Day is October 24th, 2022. Voting opens on October 17th, 2022. All votes will be cast electronically using internet and telephone. For more information:
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0
Phone: 613-256-2064
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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