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Full House for First Mississippi Mills Business Breakfast of 2024

This morning, we had a full house for our first Mississippi Mills Business Breakfast of 2024 at the Almonte Civitan Club, including 25-30 new attendees!

Guests had the opportunity to network, enjoy a delicious breakfast served up by Almonte Civitan Club volunteers, and hear from guest speaker, Executive Coach Tina Collins.


People stand at a buffet to be served breakfast


Tina is an award-winning ICF-accredited coach with over 25 years of experience. She works with business leaders and their teams to turn their strengths into force multipliers and reveal what’s hiding in the blind spots to address potential weaknesses to make better decisions. She spoke about self-awareness, how to improve and make new connections with others, and how those same connections can inspire hope in your business and personal life. Find out more at


Woman with glasses stands at a lectern speaking


Mayor Christa Lowry also updated business leaders on the Municipality’s Abattoir Feasibility Study, the upcoming Economic Development Strategic Plan and the efforts of A Meal for All’s Community Breakfasts and new Community Pantry initiative.


Woman holds a microphone and stands at a lectern to speak


Mississippi Mills Business Breakfasts are held quarterly throughout the year and are consistently well-attended. Open to past, present and future businesspeople in Mississippi Mills and beyond, they provide an opportunity to foster meaningful professional connections. The Municipality has been hosting these events for more than 8 years to provide an opportunity for businesses to network and hear updates. This morning’s event had over 90 people register!


Close up of plate with toast, strawberries and bacon. White mug with blue lettering 'Almonte Civitan Club' sits in front.


Mark your calendars now for upcoming breakfasts:

  • May 15 at the Mississippi Golf Course

  • September 18 at the Stewart Community Centre in Pakenham

  • November 27 at the Almonte Civitan Club

Thank you to all who attended the breakfast and we look forward to seeing you at the next one in May!

If you would like to attend or speak at a future Business Breakfast event or for more information, please email Tiffany MacLaren, Manager of Community & Economic Development:


Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0

Phone: 613-256-2064

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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