Health Unit - Small Drinking Water System, Seasonal Re-Opening Notice (1)
As the warmer weather is approaching, we would like to remind all owners of seasonal small drinking water systems that if your small drinking water system has been shut down for a period of more than 60 days, Ontario Regulation 319/08 has the following requirements:
Prior to supplying water to the public for this coming season please ensure that the following is completed:
a) A drinking water sample is taken and tested for Escherichia coli (e.coli) and total coliforms.
b) You have received the above water sample results.
c) You have sent the attached notification form and a copy of the above water sample results to the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit.
These results and Seasonal Re-Opening Notice can be returned to either the Brockville or Smiths Falls office of the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit. These can be mailed, faxed, hand delivered or emailed to
25 Johnston St.
Smiths Falls ON K7A 0A4
FAX: 613-283-6017
458 Laurier Blvd.
Brockville ON K6V 7A3
FAX: 613-345-7148
If you are no longer operating a Small Drinking Water System, please notify this office so we can update our records. For your convenience you may access forms and resources specifically for Small Drinking Water Systems on our website at:
As we are still in the midst of a global pandemic, please monitor the news and the health unit website for updates on public health measures affecting your business that may be strengthened or relaxed, depending on the state of the pandemic.
Your Partner in Public Health,
Community Health Protection Department
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