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Message from the Mayor - Planning Together for Growth and Change

One of my goals as Mayor is to provide information to residents on important issues. I want to ensure you are informed and aware of ways to participate and share your views.

In 2021, we will be having conversations and making decisions about growth:  Where do we grow? How do we grow? What’s important to our community today and down the road?  How do we preserve our rural and small-town charm?  How do we address housing supply, intensification and affordability?  Do we have enough water supply?  What about services like daycare or having enough doctors or support for seniors or programs for families and children?

There are several projects or planning processes that will be ongoing this year in Mississippi Mills that will help us answer those questions:

  • From our Strategic Plan:
    • Community Services Master Plan
    • Community Safety Plan
    • Village Vitality Plan
  • Natural Heritage System review and input into our Community Official Plan
  • Land Evaluation Area Review for Agricultural Lands
  • Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 22: Urban Settlement Area Review
  • Official Plan Amendment: Rural Development  


Please subscribe to our newsfeed for opportunities to participate in these conversations and processes!  It’s important that we plan for growth and change together – your voice is needed. Subscribe here:


Current Opportunities to be part of the Conversation

Currently, we are tackling OPA 22: Urban Settlement Review. There are two ways for you to participate. 

  • Listen, Learn and ask questions at our Virtual Open House on Tuesday January 19th at 6:30pm.  Our in-house consultant  will be sharing specific information about the proposed changes to Almonte’s settlement area at this session.  This session will help you prepare for the January 26th Public Meeting where submissions from the public are collected and become part of the project.  To participate in the Open House on January 19th please register by January 15 (this Friday!) by emailing or or you can call 613-256-2064 ext. 206.


  • Share your viewpoint at the statutory Public Meeting for the proposed Official Plan Amendment 22 on Tuesday January 26th at 6:00pm.  Please send your written comments to or before January 26th to be considered by Council.  Your written comments will become part of the documentation for this Official Plan Amendment.

If you’d like more details about participating or if you’d like to read the background materials for OPA 22, please go to:


Housing & Homelessness

I’d also like to share information with you about a Special Meeting on Housing & Homelessness that is scheduled for 2pm this afternoon  at Lanark County.   The purpose of the Special Meeting is for County Council to be updated on the current realities in Lanark, to review the County’s 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan (2018-2028) and consider options and next steps.

The goal of the Lanark County 10 -Year Housing Plan is to improve access to safe and affordable housing for residents through five strategic directions:

  1. Increase the supply of affordable housing
  2. Plan for a diverse range of housing choices
  3. Stabilize and revitalize current social housing stock
  4. Ensure an adequate supply of appropriate, supportive and universal housing
  5. Educate the community on local housing needs and offer incentives to build affordable housing

Housing challenges are being felt in Mississippi Mills and across the entire County, Province and indeed the Country.   Deputy Mayor Minnille and I represent Mississippi Mills at the County.  We are looking forward to this important session and to bringing back ideas and information.    Like all Council and Committee meetings, the public is welcome to observe.  

The Special Meeting on Housing & Homelessness is available here:  If you would like to attend the Zoom Meeting, please contact the Clerk:  Watch for updates and next steps following today’s Special Meeting on Housing & Homelessness.

Christa Lowry
Mayor of Mississippi Mills

Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0

Phone: 613-256-2064

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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