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Mississippi Mills Council Green Lights 2023 Budget

Mississippi Mills Council Green Lights 2023 Budget

Following five meetings, the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Council passed the 2023 Budget Tuesday evening.

The total municipal plus policing levy is $12,881,582 representing a 3% overall increase to the combined municipal and policing levy over 2022. The municipal and policing levy is the main revenue source that the Municipality uses to provide services and infrastructure.  Based on the average assessment for a home of $334,000.00, a household would see a yearly increase of $46.10. There are four components to the tax bill that the Municipality levies on residents – Municipal (43%), Police (7%), County (34% and School (16%).

Some key projects for 2023 include:

  • $4.3M Road and bridge work
  • $365K Tandem plow truck
  • $263K Sidewalk repairs
  • $198K Community safety and well-being including traffic calming
  • $510K Parks and recreation upgrades/replacements
  • $125K Digital Master Plan
  • $113K New fire protection equipment
  • $240K Mississippi Mills 2048: planning projects including How We Grow, How We Flow, How We Go, How We Dispose, How We Play, How We Pay, How We Prosper - essential for the Municipality to respond and plan for growth in an effective and fiscally responsible manner.

The overall municipal budget is $ 32,761,475: $25,091,418 for Operations and $7,670,057 for Capital.

“The 2023 budget was approved later than usual since it was an election year. I commend our new Council team for their diligent, balanced approach to maintaining or improving services while keeping the tax rate below the rate of inflation,” said Mississippi Mills Mayor Christa Lowry. “Quite simply, the cost of everything has gone up, but Council and staff have done an excellent job ensuring that the tax levy is reasonable and that the 2023 budget is responsive to the needs of our residents.”

Mayor Lowry added that Council recognizes the challenges and financial pressures that the community is experiencing due to the current financial climate.  “The budget we passed is sensitive to these pressures, while investing in our core infrastructure, making improvements to community safety, and planning for our future.”


For more information: Shannon Gutoskie, Communications Coordinator,,
613-256-2064 ext. 208

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3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0

Phone: 613-256-2064

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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