Mississippi Mills Fire Department – Exercise Caution When Open Air Burning (1)
Spring’s upcoming arrival has produced dry conditions in the Municipality of Mississippi Mills.
The Municipality is currently at a Level 2 Burn Risk Status, which means conditions for burning are suitable, but caution should be exercised due to dry conditions. If rain doesn’t arrive soon, a partial or total fire ban is possible.
When open air burning, the Mississippi Mills Fire Department recommends residents:
Avoid burning in areas with brown, dead grass
Abstain from burning in windy conditions
Always keep a water source nearby when burning
Never leave a fire unattended
REMINDER: An active 2024 burn permit is required before any type of open air burning. Visit https://mm.burnpermits.com/ to purchase your free permit or call the Mississippi Mills Fire Department at 613-256-2064 ext. 703. Permit holders must call to active their burn permit before each burn activity. No burning is permitted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. from April 1 to October 31.
For more information on the changing risk level status, visit the Mississippi Mills Fire Department webpage, call 613-256-2064 ext. 703 or email fireadmin@mississippimills.ca.
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