Municipal Update – Severe Windstorm Support
Our Municipal Emergency Control Group met on Friday May 27, 2022, to discuss operational impacts of the windstorm. Municipal operations are returning to normal. Some additional services that are in place to assist with clean up and recovery from the windstorm are:
Showers/Device charging/Water
- Almonte Arena will be open for showers, small electronic device charging and small quantities of water at the following times:
- Friday, May 27th – until 9:00 pm
- Saturday, May 28th – 8:30 am – 9:00 pm
- Sunday May, 20th 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
- Pakenham Stewart Arena will be open for showers, small electronic device charging and small quantities of water at the following times:
- Friday – May 27th - until 9:00 pm
- Fire Hall #1 Almonte has a water fill station located at the corner of the building (not for drinking) from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Waste Clean up
- Howie Road open Wednesday 1-7 pm, Saturday 8-4pm
- Pakenham depot Thursday 1-7 pm, Saturday 8-4 pm
- 2 containers can be set out with no tags for next week’s curbside collection
- Any additional waste materials or brush outside our posted hours can go to Beckwith (GFL) transfer station at 9271 Cavanagh Rd, Carleton Place, ON K7C 0C4 for a fee. You can use your free Mississippi Mills 250kg passes at this location.
- Urban and village roads have been made passable and all fallen trees on municipal property have been removed.
- Rural roads are passable and some additional clean up will be taking place next week.
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