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Notice Concerning a Proposed Amendment to Remove a Holding Symbol Within Zoning By-law #11-83

TAKE NOTICE that a by-law will be before Council to remove a holding symbol on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., in the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Council Chambers, 3131 Old Perth Road, Almonte, Ontario, for a Zoning By-law Amendment passed under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13. The application concerns the property known municipally as Concession 10 East ½ Lot 14.

AND TAKE NOTICE that as the Municipality continues to take significant steps to limit the transmission of the COVID-19 virus and continues to protect the health and safety of the public, Council, and employees while at the same time processing Planning Act applications. The Council meeting will be a hybrid meeting with limited access to in person attendance at the Council meeting.

You are strongly encouraged to contact the Municipality by telephone or email if you have any questions prior to the meeting. Physical attendance at the Municipal Office related to the By-law is discouraged as Staff can explain and review the proposed By-law and supporting information with you by telephone and email. You may provide written comments by mail, fax or email referencing “Z-01-22” in the subject line, or verbal comments to the Planner prior to the passage of the by-law.

THE PURPOSE AND INTENT of the application is to remove the holding (h) symbol from the subject property presently zoned “Community Facility Subzone Exception X - holding” (I-X “h”) Zone where the special exception prescribes the following: development consisting of an apartment dwelling, townhouse and semi-detached dwellings units and addressing site-specific zone exceptions. The amendment was approved by Council by By-law No. 21-020 subject to a holding provision requiring frontage on an open municipal road. The applicant has satisfied the condition of the holding provision and are applying to remove the holding (h) symbol.

IF YOU WISH TO BE NOTIFIED of the decision of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills on the proposed zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to 3131 Old Perth Road, R.R. #2, P.O. Box 400, Almonte, Ontario, K0A 1A0.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed application are available by contacting the Municipality’s Planning Department at (613) 256-2064 ext. 501 or by e-mail at

The Complete Notice is attached. 


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3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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