The answer is yes, the current by-law requires that any alteration to a sign including the refacing of a sign requires a permit. This includes lit signs on building fascia, pole advertising signs with multiple tenants, single ground sign changes and billboard advertising sign changes.
Sign Permits
A sign permit is required for specific signs in the community whether placed on your own property, municipal property or a third party owners property.
A Sign Permit is require for any sign or advertising device, including:
- Ground signs
- Wall signs
- Awning and projecting signs
- Pole signs
- Temporary mobile signs
A sign permit is required prior to erecting any sign and must be applied for, approved and paid for at the Mississippi Mills Building Department.
SIGN BY-LAW - Please click the link to review the 16-22 Sign By-Law.
SIGN APPLICATION - Please click the link to fill out a PDF for your sign permit application.
SIGN FEES - Please click the link for a PDF of Building fees and charges.
Sign Permit FAQs
Here are the most commonly asked questions about sign permits.
I am replacing a sign face on an existing sign, do I need a permit?
I live in a residential area and I am having a yard sale, do I need a permit to advertise my sale?
No, a permit is not required but you should be aware that signs on power poles are prohibited in the municipality. Additionally any sign you place cannot be placed on Municipal road allowances without permission from the Municipality and a Hold Harmless Agreement. We suggest that all signs be placed on private property and if you are having difficulty determining private property from municipal property then you can contact the office for assistance at (613)-256-2064 x508.
The maximum amount of time in any calendar year is two 60 day periods (separate permit required for each 60 day period). Beyond that any further temporary commercial advertising sign placement must be attained via a Minor Variance from the Committee of the Whole.
Can signs being placed on private property be anywhere on the property?
Not always, new ground signs, portable signs, sandwich board signs and other signs must meet setbacks depending on the sign type. additionally a sign is not permitted in a required driveway site line triangle or a street site line triangle. Signs being placed temporarily are not permitted to be placed in any required parking spaces, fire lane, or aisle required for driving on a commercial property. Please see by-law for more information or contact the Building Department at (613)-256-2064 x508.
Contact us
Development Services - Building Department
Almonte Old Town Hall
14 Bridge St, PO Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0
613-256-2064 ext. 508
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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