Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 32 and 33 - Limited Service Residential and Private Roads Study, and Bill 23 modifications - Part of MM2048 "How We Grow"
Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 29 - Agricultural Area Designation Review
Community Engagement
Mississippi Mills is committed to sharing information and hearing from our residents. Check back on this page regularly for updated spotlight pieces and community engagement opportunities.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Community Engagement Strategy
In September 2023, Council adopted the Community Engagement Strategy which provides a consistent approach to community engagement, with guidance on when and how to undertake engagement activities and what steps and processes should be considered.
It outlines our goals and guiding principles for community engagement, providing staff with tools and templates to ensure consistent and active participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation of our programs and services.
Click on the button to learn more about the strategy!
Current Engagement Opportunities
Master Plan Reviews
Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
Past Community Engagement Projects
More past community engagement projects
Bylaw Reviews
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