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A number of local health agencies have been working together to deliver services at the COVID-19 Assessment Centres in Lanark and are planning several options to increase capacity for testing in the area. A “pop-up” (temporary) testing centre will be open this Friday, September 25 in Perth to help increase access to testing for the community and to reduce the pressure on the nearby COVID-19 Assessment Centres as more permanent solutions are being completed.
The province has recently introduced regulations governing the school bus stop arm camera programs. A school bus stop arm camera is a recording device that takes pictures of a motor vehicle that illegally passes a school bus while the school bus is stopped.
The municipality is at the beginning stages of. reviewing the draft 2021 budget.
Contact North. is a new initiative to help residents get the education and training they need without having to leave their community.
Highlights of the September 15, 2020 Council Meeting. The Council meeting began with a presentation from Sally McIntyre, General Manager of.
The Mississippi Mills Riverwalk Working Group met on the site of the soon-to-be Millworkers Staircase this morning to officially kick-off site preparations for Phase 2 of the Riverwalk. In their first meeting since March, masked committee members were proud to celebrate this key milestone together.
TAKE NOTICE that a Public Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 at 5:30 p. m. , in the Municipality of Mississippi Mills to consider a proposed Minor Variance under Section 45 of the. Planning Act.
We are asking everyone to be patient with HHW staff. .
The water bills for the period July 1 - August 31, 2020 are now in the mail. Paperless water bills were emailed yesterday so please check your inbox if you are enrolled for paperless billing.
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