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Mississippi Mills All My Relations is partnering with the Municipality of Mississippi Mills to host a Summer Solstice Celebration on Thursday, June 20 at Riverfront Park in Almonte, bringing together Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. This celebration, open to everyone in the community, will include Indigenous ceremony, music, jingle dancing, crafts, Inuit games and songs by Almonte’s Rhythm and Song!
From the Office of the Mayor. June 1, 2024.
Did you know that mental health disabilities include a range of disorders such as anxiety, mood, and behavioral? People with mental health disabilities may seem edgy or irritated, act aggressively, be pushy or abrupt, unable to make a decision, start laughing or get angry for no apparent reason.
Press Release – Lanark County. Here are the highlights from the Special Lanark County Council meeting held June 26, 2024.
Press Release – Lanark County. Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held June 26, 2024.
During the June 26 Lanark County Council meeting, Lanark County Warden Steve Fournier (Drummond/North Elmsley Reeve) presented Almonte Resident George Yaremchuk with the new Culture Connector Award, which was launched by the Local Immigration Partnership – Lanark & Renfrew Counties in 2023 as part of the Culture Connect initiative. The award celebrates and recognizes individuals and organizations in the Ottawa Valley that have shown exceptional dedication and support to newcomers as they adjust to their new lives.
Join the Municipality of Mississippi Mills at the Clayton Community Centre (147 Linn Bower Lane) on Thursday, July 11 for a Rural Villages and Rural Vitality Open House. This open house, to be held from 2 to 7 p. m. , offers the community the opportunity to learn more about Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 28, the Rural Villages and Rural Vitality project, and share ideas that can help our villages and rural areas thrive.
The Municipality of Mississippi Mills will soon begin the reconstruction project for Mercer Street and Marshall Street, from Adelaide Street to Ottawa Street. The project is anticipated to begin on June 17, 2024 and will conclude this fall.
Mississippi Mills Council has proclaimed the month of June as Pride Month in the Municipality of Mississippi Mills. The proclamation was made during the May 21, 2024 Council meeting.
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