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TAKE NOTICE. that a.
Mississippi Mills is making it easier for ATV’s to access trails by relaxing restrictions. On June 7.
TAKE NOTICE. that a.
Affordable Housing Spotlight #6 – Advocacy. This is the final installment of the Affordable Housing Spotlight series, which has focused on what all levels of government are doing to address Canada’s housing crisis.
Council/ Committee of the Whole Meeting - June 21, 2022. Council and Committee of the Whole will hold their regular meetings on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.
The Municipal Emergency Control Group is closely monitoring today’s weather conditions (June 16) which according to Environment Canada, are favourable for producing tornadoes. In the event we experience a power outage, municipal updates will be shared on our website, mississippimills. ca, on our Facebook and Twitter accounts, on notice boards at the arenas in Almonte and Pakenham, and on local radio stations, Lake 88 and Oldies 107. 7 myFM.
National Indigenous History Month – An Invitation. June is National Indigenous History Month which brings many opportunities for us to recognize and learn about the rich heritage and resilience of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples across Canada and in our own community.
Affordable Housing Spotlight #5 – Lanark County Part 2. Affordable Housing Spotlight #4.
. Last night, the start of Council began with a procedural matter relating to a point of privilege.
At the May 17, 2022 council meeting Mississippi Mills Council declared June 6th, 2022 as Shriners 150 Anniversary Day. .
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