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This is a reminder to residents that the Municipal Offices remain closed to the public due to the Provincial State of Emergency and Stay At Home Order. Staff will regularly be checking their emails and voice messages to continue to serve the public.
The Council and Committee of the Whole meetings for tonight, February 2, 2021 starting at 4:30 pm, will be held virtually. Please note, the incamera portion of the meeting, which is not open to the public, will begin at 4:30 pm with an approximate 6 pm start time for open session.
Please be advised that the Wednesday, February 3, 2021 Committee of Adjustment meeting has been postponed until further notice. .
Are you a local business committed to sustainability and climate action? Check this out!.
The Council meeting, including the Public Meeting for OPA 22, and Committee of the Whole meeting, starting tonight, January 26, 2021 at 6pm, will be held virtually using new technology. We ask for people's patience as we try to improve access and engagement opportunities while abiding by the Province issued Stay at Home order.
For All, Children and Teens. Book Bundle.
Invitation to Annual Dedication to Indigenous Peoples. Early in the term, I started working with Mississippi Mills All My Relations, a group of community members whose mission is to respond to the calls to action outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in a respectful, concrete and achievable way.
TAKE NOTICE. that a.
A Council meeting will be held on Tuesday January 26, 2021 at 6:00 pm with Committee of the Whole following immediately after. To access the agendas please visit:.
On Tuesday night the municipality hosted a. virtual information session.
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