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Building on the success of local pop-up testing last week, paramedics from the Lanark County Paramedic Service will once again be performing COVID-19 testing at pop-up (temporary) testing centres in. Carleton Place on Wednesday, September 30.
The Mississippi Mills Fire Department responded to a fire inside industrial equipment just before 2 pm this afternoon on Ottawa Street, Almonte. Crews from Almonte and Pakenham Crews quickly extinguished a fire inside equipment used to roast coffee.
The Municipality has revenues or income from a variety of sources that it uses to pay for all of its expenses. It also tries to put money into a reserve fund or savings account to pay for things down the road.
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit. October 27, 2020.
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit. October 26, 2020.
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit. October 23, 2020.
Council will hold a Special Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday September 29, 2020 at 6:00 pm. To access the agenda please visit:.
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